Get notifications wherever you are.
You already have a workflow that works for you. Cronly adapts to your workflow and delivers notifications wherever you want them.
Using Slack? Let us join you.
Already using Slack? Use our integration to get notified whenever you have a new event. No need to set up a new workflow.
Set up your first monitor![App screenshot](
Use our Zapier integration to connect with thousands of services, like these:
![Microsoft Teams](
Got a custom solution? We'll integrate.
Use our webhooks to integrate with any service you already have.
Set up your first monitorFrequently asked questions
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Shoot us a message on Twitter!
- How do I set up a Zapier integration?
- Just create a new Zap and add Cronly as your trigger. Then, connect any Zapier integration you like. Once a trigger is triggered, Cronly will send a message to your Zap.
- What if I don't want to use Zapier?
- We are working hard on custom integrations. If you have a custom integration you'd like to see, just shoot us a message. In the meantime, Slack is already available, as well as emails and custom webhooks.
- What do integrations cost?
- Integrations are completely free. Adding extra users to your account won't cost you anything extra. SSL certificates are free to monitor as well.